Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Hands on

What fun! A place where Joel can play with water where we don't have to be holding him up to the height of the sink! The preschool gallery at the Hands-On Museum had lots of great kid-sized, kid-friendly stuff for Joel to play with.

He seemed quite taken with alternating between dunking and splashing his hands in the water and running his wet hands through his hair.

Here is a picture of the new Engineers on a Roll exhibit that they now have in the preschool gallery.

By looking at this picture you'll see that Joel is not the only one who found this to be a "mouth on" exhibit as well as a hands on exhibit.

This is where Joel was grabbing balls as they came down the track and putting them in his mouth before putting them back into circulation in the assembly line-like exhibit. Perhaps this made it more likely that stomach flu was one of the things we brought home with us from the Hands-On Museum (and that perhaps more other people also brought home with them because Joel was doing this...sorry!!!). :(

When we first started going to a toddler playgroup, catching more things did make me reconsider whether or not I wanted to keep going to the playgroup...but I decided just to go anyway...and then added two classes to the things we regularly go to, too...

This was our first experience with stomach flu, though...which caused me to seek out sites like HealthMap...seems like sites like these will be much more useful if people post more data to I'm planning on contributing mine... But, do I really want to be checking it a lot and deciding whether to go to the Hands-On Museum or not based on it...

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