Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Fun stuff

The other members of our household have been up to some fun stuff, too.

"A Book of Sounds" and "What Did You Find?" kids' books: I found myself inspired to create some kids' books...which led me to a website where you can not only easily create books but also record sounds for each page. (Update: Sadly, this website for creating books, Tikatok, is no more. They closed without much explanation.) Click here to see "A Book of Sounds" to see what having the ability to add sound led me to come up with. Being able to add sound also facilitated some great interactions at a family gathering I was able to capture lots of great audio...that I'm still in the process of organizing into a book... Fortunately, for the first book I completed, I kept things simple and was inspired by knowing the pictures would be easy to generate...otherwise I'd probably still only be in the process of creating books rather than having two books that are already shareable... This first book is called "What Did You Find?" and you can see it by clicking here.

"Patient zero" blog post: Click here to read about the self-experimentation with "patient zero" that Peter has been doing with inserting DNA into his skin cells. At least two other people have expressed eagerness in being "patient one" after all has gone well with patient zero.

"Fun at camp" video: "Camp" is our euphemism for the place we board Quartz when we least it's a cage-free environment where he gets to play with other dogs. Click here to see a video of Quartz playing with a dog named Puzzle. The person who filmed the video said that the dogs usually stop playing whenever she gets the camera out, but this time she managed to get quite a bit of good footage.

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