Thursday, November 29, 2012

Tofu that grows on trees

One fun thing that we've been pantomiming is collecting food from trees and eating it.  We have some wallpaper in our entryway with a tree pattern on it.  Here's a picture from when Joel was a newborn that has the wallpaper in it:

We started out by picking berries off the trees.  After picking a few berries and eating them, Joel suggested that we also pick tofu off the trees.  We already suspected that tofu was a big favorite with Joel, and this confirmed it for me.

Writing this has made me realize that before all the recent pantomiming we've just discovered we can do, we already were pantomiming taking baths with laundry baskets.  The first time I did this was with a doll.  After doing all the things that I could think of that Joel did in the bath, Joel made me realize that I'd left out an important activity.  He put the doll's face down to the level of the pretend water to pantomime having it drink the bath water.  No bath is complete without drinking bath water for Joel!

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