Wednesday, February 9, 2011

hopefully, just the "pushing" part left

bilirubin levels have plateaued
milk has come in
weight looks good

parents have both been able to get just a tad more sleep, which has made a world of difference

to make an analogy with the stages of labor
hopefully, we're past "transition" and now all that's left is the "pushing" part.


Abigail said...

Doesn't it seem like the pushing/effortful part should be done and peace and comfort should follow? Why still pushing? I hope you and Joel are healthy. xo Abby

Leeann said...

The transition part of labor often has people wondering if they can take it any more and doubting that they're going to be able to continue handling the birth process.

The pushing part at least has the advantage of feeling like the homestretch (and feeling like you're getting to do something and less like you're mostly just waiting for the process to run its course), even though it still requires effort.